Ulf Zölitz

University of Zurich

You can find my research here 

My CV is here.

I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Zurich and the Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development. My primary research interests are in the field of applied microeconomics. My research focuses on the economics of education and child and youth development. I have studied Economics at the University of Bonn and received my PhD in Economics from Maastricht University in 2014. I am IZA research fellow and CESifo and CEPR Research Affiliate.

Working papers

Same-Sex Teacher Effects
with Alexandra de Gendre, Jan Feld and Nicolás Salamanca
University of Zurich Working Paper 438  |  Website with interactive results

The Value of a Peer
with Ingo Isphording, University of Zurich Working Paper No. 342
reject & resubmit Journal of Political Economy


Peers Affect Personality Development
with Xiaoyue Shan
Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming)

The Causal Impact of Socio-Emotional Skills Training on Educational Success
with Giuseppe Sorrenti, Denis Ribeaud  & Manuel Eisner
Review of Economic Studies (forthcoming)

The Effect of Higher-Achieving Peers on Major Choices and Labor Market Outcomes with Jan Feld
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
(196), 2022

The Impact of Peer Personality on Academic Achievement 
with Bart Golsteyn and Arjan Non
Journal of Political Economy (129)4, 2021

Achievement Rank Affects Performance and Major Choices in College
with Benjamin Elsner and Ingo Isphording
Economic Journal
632, 2021.

The Effect of Peer Gender on Major Choice in Business School with Jan Feld
Management Science (67)11, 2021.

Exposure to More Female Peers Widens the Gender Gap in STEM Participation with Anne Ardila Brenøe
Journal of Labor Economics (38)4, 2020

Are Professors Worth It? The Value-added and Costs of Tutorial Instructors
with Jan Feld and Nicolás Salamanca
Journal of Human Resources (55)3, 2020.
IZA newsroom article  |  The Conversation 

Gender Bias in Teaching Evaluations
with Friederike Mengel and Jan Sauermann
Journal of the European Economic Association (17)2, 2019
The Economist

Students are Almost as Effective as Professors in University Teaching
with Jan Feld and Nicolás Salamanca
Economics of Education Review (73), 2019

«High» Achievers? – Cannabis Access and Academic Performance
with Olivier Marie
Review of Economic Studies 84(3), 2017
The Guardian  |  The Washington Post  |  Interview with BYUradio

Understanding Peer Effects – On the Nature, Estimation and Channels of Peer Effects with Jan Feld
Journal of Labor Economics 35(2), 2017

Parental Preferences for Primary School Characteristics
with Lex Borghans and Bart Golsteyn
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Contributions) 15(1), 2015

School Quality and the Development of Cognitive Skills between Age Four and Six with Lex Borghans and Bart Golsteyn
PLoS One 10(7)2015

Research in progress

Social Learners: The Disproportionate Impact of Online Instruction on Women
with Xiaoyue Shan and Uschi Backes-Gellner

Global Evidence on Parenting
with Marta Golin and Helge Liebert

Preferences for Peers
with Xiaoyue Shan